The Convergence of AI and Corporate Training
(and what this means for you)

It’s almost everywhere now. 

Not a day goes by without an update on your social newsfeed about AI. Some of us are eagerly embracing it with open arms. For others? Dozens of tools to choose from. The steep learning curve and time invested to learn and implement it effectively can be overwhelming. 

Whether we like it or not, it’s here to stay. And even better when we embrace it. 


It’s because nobody wants to lose out. To take advantage of something that can speed up your workflow, make your processes efficient, and even double or triple your sales and marketing results.  

Now, you’ve probably seen:

  • How quickly content can be curated with tools like ChatGPT
  • How quickly images are being produced by tools like Midjourney and DALL-E
  • How quickly companies are integrating it in their workflow and delivery (e.g Canva, Adobe)
corporate training

But how is AI impacting the corporate training industry?

Now, corporate training has long been crucial to business success. It provides both employees and entrepreneurs the skills and knowledge needed to perform their roles effectively. 

And with the coming of artificial intelligence (AI), it has transformed how corporate training is conducted and delivered. 

For example?

AI-powered technologies such as machine learning and natural language processing are increasingly used to:

  • reduce costs
  • increase efficiency
  • get faster results at scale
  • personalize learning experiences

So… how are we involved in the exciting AI & Training waves? 

#1 Training and upskilling

We’re definitely in the deep in the trenches in AI & Training – knowing how much it has impacted our business along with our clients. In fact, we’ve taught over 450+ corporate students and entrepreneurs to upskill their sales & marketing efforts. 

And some topics include:

#2 Partnering with Continuing Education and Training Centres (CETs) 

We’ve already partnered with CETs (e.g and will continue to work with even more centres in 2024. The CET Centres are public training providers that provide comprehensive array of Workforce Skills Qualifications (WSQ) courses and training in areas such as:

  • retail
  • tourism
  • hospitality 
  • security 
  • finance 
  • digital animation 
  • process engineering 
  • culinary skills 
  • numeracy and service skills

#3  Signing of Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with training centres

We’re taking this step to enable a platform for trainers to unite and bring greater digitization to SME’s sales & marketing operations. Plus, leveraging AI tools and training available to equip companies with scalable and efficient processes.

What’s the next step?

Welcoming the World of Generative AI

First and foremost – what does it even mean? Generative AI? 

Generative AI is a type of artificial intelligence technology that can produce various types of content, including text, imagery, audio and data. And the really cool part to this? Being able to create various pieces of content at scale, in a matter of seconds. 

But with great power, comes great responsibility…right? 

To ensure the accuracy of the content piece, to have an image generated that is on-brand with your business, and to create videos that are relatable to your target audience. Which is why with the emergence of such tools, comes the high demand of getting trained and skilled using such AI software. And what we find interesting is there are many ways to apply generative AI in the business world. 

Here are some key examples:


Based on the data you hold on customers’ purchase history, browsing behavior, customer service on social media, generative AI can present each customer with specific products they’re more likely to be interested in.

Create more engaging customer journeys

When a customer’s needs are met, they’re far more likely to engage with your brand.  And that creates an all-around more positive experience. Generative AI can be used at every stage of a customer’s journey. From the moment they land on your website to the moment they receive their product or service. 

Targeted offers

Generative AI can conduct A/B testing to identify which offers and discounts customers engage with most to fine-tune how it generates them in the future. This real-time feedback loop ensures your brand provides a consistently positive customer experience.


All in all, the AI & Training waves offer almost limitless possibilities, and it is here to stay. Whether to be used personally, in a group or a large corporation. The question then is…will you be embracing these tools, or simply ignore the wave?